How to bind X8R to the FrSky Taranis in different modes

The official instructions for binding the X8R receiver to the Taranis are quite confusing and cryptic. Therefore, I try to give step by step instructions about how to bind them in the different available modes as well as some background information. The whole process is split into a preparation phase, mode selection and a binding procedure.


The preparation steps of both, the X8R receiver (rx) and the Taranis (tx)  are independent and do not  follow an exact order. Just make sure everything is prepared as follows:


  • Power off the rx
  • Remove all servo cables
  • Insert the jumpers, all the way in, according the the table below. If you have no jumpers, just shortcut the neighbouring pins somehow. A simple piece of metal, a screw or a screwdriver will do.
  • Prepare your RC model so that you can power the rx through a servo cable (attach a battery).

    Preparation of the X8R to bind it in Mode 4, shortening channels 1&2 and 3&4 with a jumper.
    Preparation of the X8R to bind it in Mode 4, shortening channels 1&2 and 3&4 with a jumper.


  • Power on the Taranis
  • select the model you want to bind it to (press MENU)
  • go to the edit menu of select model (press PAGE)
  • select the mode (D16) and the number of channels you want to use
  • Place the rx and tx approximately 1m (3 feet) apart. Closer might give transmission errors.
Model settings for the mode (Modus) the number of channels and the [bind] function
Model settings for the mode (Modus) the number of channels and the [bind] function

Select the mode

There are 5 different transmission modes available, all have different properties as you can see in the table below. First of all there are the two fundamentally different ‘signal’ modes D8 and D16. The names are a bit misleading. D8 refers to the older D series transmitters with up to 8 channels and telemetry, but without ModelMatch and Failsafe. These features are only available with D16, which offers a maximum of 16 channels. There is no reason for using D8, except you are using an older radio (tx) which does not support D16. Otherwise, D16 its the way to go, even if you transmit just a handful of channels.

The X8R offers four configurations for D16. The number looks a bit excessive at first, but it basically allows every possible combination the following two features.

  1. Telemetry can be disabled, which is useful if you are using two X8R transmitters together on the same model. One of the two would the be set to either Mode 2(D16) or Mode 3(D16) as only one X8R can transmit telemetry back to the Tx.
  2. You can select which of the 16 channels are output on the eight physical PWM servo connectors. These are either CH1 – CH8 or CH9-CH16 .
ModeTelemetryFailsafe and
Channel OutputJumper(s)F/S Button
Mode 1 (D8)YesNoCH1 - CH81: CH7&CH8do not press
Mode 2 (D16)NoYesCH1 - CH81: CH3&CH4press before power
Mode 3 (D16)NoYesCH9 -CH161: CH1&CH2press before power
Mode 4 (D16)YesYesCH9 -CH161: CH1&CH2
2: CH3&CH4
press before power
Mode 5 (D16)YesYesCH1 - CH8nonepress before power

For my Discvery Pro I use Mode 4, where the S.BUS is used for the NAZA (CH1-CH8) and the dedicated PWM outs CH9-CH11 for controlling the gimbal and video switch.

Binding procedure

After everything is setup execute these steps
1) Press [bind] in the Taranis menu
2) press and hold down the F/S button on the X8R (skip for Mode1)
3) power-on the X8R by plugging in a single servo cable from the powered model, e.g. the S.BUS cable
4) wait for the Taranis to beep. (~1second) and your RX is blinking red. This confirms a successful bind.
5) power off the rx
6) remove the jumpers, they are only needed for binding

Done! Next time you power up the receiver it will be controlled by the Taranis. The binding is really quick, so when following the instructions above you probably never see steady lights on the X8R, only the flashing red one, which is fine. If you choose to power the receiver before pressing [bind] on the Taranis you will see a steady green and red light at first, while the X8R is waiting for you to initiate the bind on the Taranis. A successful bind is always indicated with the flashing red light.

34 thoughts on “How to bind X8R to the FrSky Taranis in different modes”

  1. Hei super anleitung, danke.

    Ich wollte ein weiteres Model auf meine Taranis erstellen und mit ein zweiten x8r empfänger verbinden. Das geht, aber es passiert nicht. Im Basflight sehe ich alle 8 Werte auf 1500.
    Wenn ich aber den gleichen Empfänger Nr. wähle wie das Funktionierende Model wähle, dann kann ich zwar alle aux benutzen aber nicht die Gas, Ruder, etc (sticks)

    Vielleicht kannst du helfen?!


    1. Hi Snowest,

      Sorry everybody for the German und Entschuldige die späte Antwort. Einige Dinge an Deinem Setup sind mir nicht ganz klar. Wenn ich richtig rate, dann verbindest Du einen neuen X8R via 8 PWM Käbelchen mit einem NAZe Flugkontroller. Dein
      Problem ist nun, dass dort nichts richtiges ankommt. Ich vermute der Fehler liegt am Mode. Du verwendest wohl Mode 4 wie in meiner Anleitung. In Deinem Fall wäre aber Mode 5 (binden ohne jumper) korrekt, da Du die Kanäle 1-8 via PWM an den NAZe senden musst. In den Kanälen 1 bis 8 sind auch die Sticks.
      Viel Erfolg

  2. I seem to have misplaced my X8R jumpers. Could you suggest something I can use in place of those jumpers to achieve 16 channels on my receiver?

    1. You could use two screwdrivers or screws instead of the jumpers. Anything which creates a shortcut between the two X8R pins works inplace of the jumper.

  3. Hi,

    very clean tutorial, thanks.

    I’d like to ask you for help because I can’t bind in D16 my X8R with my Taranis Plus.

    I followed exactly your instructions (similar but more clear than the manual) several times, but as soon as I power the X8R on, it does NOT blink, but shows steady green and red lights (no description on the X8R manual).

    Do you have any suggestions?


    1. A steady green and red light means that the receiver is waiting for the transmitter to bind. This is normal in case your Taranis is off or not in bind mode. After a successful bind, the red light starts to flash. The binding is really quick, so you might never see steady lights if you power the receiver after putting the Taranis in bind mode. You might want to check the settings in the Taranis and start the bind mode.

  4. I am having the exact same problem. When I power rx in fs mode I get solid green/red light. My tx chirps my rx beeps but no color changes on led . All I get is flashing red lights after following every instruction to the last detail. Could my tx be faulty?

    1. The LEDs don’t’ change color. You are successful if the tx beeps and the red light starts flashing, exactly how you describe it. Where is the problem?

  5. Do you say we need those jumpers only for binding??
    I have being used my quad for 2 months with both jumpers in there, so am I in a big mistake?
    Please clear this issue.
    I did not need pwm out since now, and was trying to find out how to use 8 channels with those jumpers in place 😀
    Great tutorial, thanks.

    1. Jumpers are only needed during binding / mode setting. You should take them out aftetwards. Especially if you want to use the PWM outputs. I assume leaving the jumpers in won’t harm normal operation tough, except for jumpers on channel 7&8 (mode1) which would trigger continuous binding.

  6. When I saw this article I got turned on because I was looking for a way to use my Taranis and the X8R with Naza for more than the 8 channels (from witch Naza already gets 6 for full functionality). But the considering that the info in the article it’s not complete let me finish it for those looking for the answer..

    So in order to get the extra 4 channels (or extra 2 PWM physical outputs considering that you already have 2 left even with Naza) the answer is to set the receiver in Mode 4 (with the 1&2 and 3&4 pins bridged) and to set the Taranis to output channels 1-16. This way the X8R PWM channels (pins) become basically ch 9-16 from witch 9-12 is blocked by the 2 bridges and you get CH 13, 14, 15 and 16 that you can program from the Taranis and also connect to whatever you like. Cheers.

    1. You are right. Just to clarify. There are 16 Sbus channels, 8 of them are simultaneously available on physical PWM channels. You can remove the jumpers. They are only needed once for the setting.

  7. ..So removing the jumpers will keep the 9-16 ch configuration on the pwm pins? That’s cool! Another 4 channels to use for other stuff.

  8. Hello, I’ve been using my X8R with mode #1, but now I want to use it with mode #4 as you did. Is it possible to change mode after it’s been binded? I wiil be using the same kit (transmitter/receiver).

    1. You can (re) bind the same devices as often as you want and change the Mode as often as you want. Just execute the steps described above. It’s like starting fresh. Keep in mind to change the cabling on the model and/or modify the model settings in the transmitter.

  9. Hi

    I have the idea to bind a X8R for controlling the multicopter and a X6R for controlling a Gimbal and camera.
    Do you know if this is possible?
    Or is only binding two X8R exclusively or two X6R exclusively possible?

    Thanks and best regards,

    1. Hi,

      To be honest, I’ve never tried to make a X6R / X8R receiver combo, so I don’t know for sure. But I think it should work. For one, they must be almost identically built internally. Both run the same firmware. FrSky only has one file to download for both. And second, what matters for the combo to work is the radio protocol and this is obviously identical (D16). Both receive the same complete signal from the Taranis, filter out he channels you set them to, and one of them returns telemetry. I would even go as far as risking to mix in an X4R. They all use D16. Let me know if it works, but I’m pretty sure it will.

  10. Hi,
    I have a problem binding my Turnigy 9XR with the X8R.
    I got green and red solid on X8R but only on the 9XR a blinking red led. So it won’t bind…

  11. There is an international and an EU version of both the taranis and the X8R and they can’t be mixed. Could this be the solution?

  12. If you try to bind the X8R with the Taranis and the green and red LEDs of the X8R is fully on and not blinking, then the Firmware of the X8R and the OpenTX version of the Taranis don’t fit. Upgrade the X8R firmware and it will work.

  13. I have successfully bound my x8r reciever in mode 2 without inserting jumpers and every thing works ok, have not flown the plane at this stage, please comment …..

  14. hi, I followed your instruction to the letter, my taranis plus, and x8r are both working with 16 channels, the sbus takes care of the naza lite, I didnt need corse/homelock, so these are used for a tilt camera, thats all sbus 8 channels, I used the normal 1 – 8 = (9-16)
    for things like video switching. front spotlights, and night leds, such a simple matter, I did try to upgrade my tx to the latest firmware, but couldnt get the x8r to output sbus sigs, and sometimes loosing the bind, I simply went backwards and downgraded to an earlier version, that worked..
    nice information thanks – bob

  15. Hello all,
    I have a issue with my binding on the taranis/x8r. I wanted to bind in mode 4 so ch 1-8 go to the FC of my quad. The funny thing is, in the FC i can set up ch 1-12 and they work. Meanwhile i can’t use the ch 1-8 on the receiver. I try to bind again in mode 4 but same issue remains. Has anyone an idea why i can use 12 ch in my FC while binding in mode 4? Have to use 9-16 for gimbal perposes- Richard

  16. Hi I can not bind the XR8 of an second hand copter on the brand new Taranis. Still a fix light and no blinking.
    01) How can I figure out if the reciver is a EU version and how can I figure out if the transmitter is a EU version (or not).
    02) It seems if I use no jumoers Iam automaticlly in mode 5?

  17. i simply downloaded the latest X8R firmware,
    the zip-file i downloaded contained 2 different FW versions: EU & non-EU,
    i placed both files .frk files on the microSD-card of the Taranis’ FIRMWARES folder,
    i connected the smartport of the X8R receiver to my Taranis X9D+ (at the back, under the cover, those long connector/header pins that stick out),
    and the i uploaded the EU version .frk file to my X8R..
    ..the binding procedure failed.
    Then i just tried the NONEU version, and it worked: they could bind.

    01) Just try it out.. it took me a few minutes to update the X8R firmware(s), and (try to) bind.
    02) Indeed.

  18. Drone races are becoming more and more popular nowadays. I personally attended one MultiGP drone racing in my home town. Drag race is my favorite drone race as I was racing with my Wife H107D X4 Mini which is perfect for beginners. I went to a MultiGP event and it was one of the best days of my life. Love to watch those machines racing. I would love to participate on these events, although I must exercise a bit more before racing. This should be fun.

  19. Hello
    I have a drone that had a 8 bit gimbal controller that I replaced with a alexmos 32 bit controller. I use a taranis with a X8R rx. The cable that were connected on the 6 and 7 port of the X8R was connected to the old 8 bit board. The new board has a plug on the PWM/PPM/S-Bus port. I connected the same cable to this input, changed the setting in GUI to futaba s-bus ,but the taranis do not control the gimbal. Any suggestions.

  20. Hi, will this work with FrSky L9R?

    I am using APM 2.6 with SBUS for CH 1-8, but I’d like to use the rest of the remaining channels in L9R, ch 10-12.

    1. If I understand it correctly, L9R does not allow any changes to the assignments of channels to the connectors. ch 1-9 are fixed to conventional pins and ch 1-12 are on the single sbus. You could:
      A) connect additional devices listening to ch 9-12 on the same Sbus together with your APM 2.6
      B) check APM 2.6 if its channel range could be changed to ch 5-12 instead. The same could be don on the Taranis in order to free up ch1-4 for additional devices on the conventional pins of the L9R

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