The 2nd TBS Discovery Pro arrived in a similar, but slightly lighter colored box.
The new gimbal dampener arrived with the wrong number of screws. I should have some spare ones left from the last build.
My 2nd TBS Discovery Pro came with the new improved gimbal dampening arm attached to the back. It should stabilize the camera at high speeds.
The new gimbal stabilizer will go deep into the frame, close the the NAZA in order to stabilize the camera rotational movements.
In order to fit everything, the NAZA controller is placed slightly forward outside the marked rectangle. This way, the edge of the X8R is just short of to the mounting hole for the red spacers which will later connect to the top plate.
The X8R antennas can be zip tied to the arms. Both, the antenna and the arms, have a rounded shape which makes the placement relatively flush and solid. The zip ties keep them in place, minor movement is still possible.
Closeup of the X8R lying sideways inside the frame.
Different angle of the frisky X8R placement inside the frame, flush to the NAZA.
The X8R is placed lying on the side, with the short cables going out to the antennas on the two arms.
On my 2nd build, I’ve placed the video transmitter on top. TBS sells a special mount, which is not part of the kit and needs to be ordered separate.
Here I use a FLAME WHEEL VTX mount with a TBS 5.8GHz transmitter
This time I’ve attached the NAZA LED IMU to the bottom of one of the ESCs.
On my second build I try to cram the X8R receiver inside the frame, next to the NAZA with the two antennas on the back arms.
The image gallery of the first build can be found here.
Gimbal partial assembly with the two brushless motors and the GoPro cage
Disco Pro ground plate with Naza Light in the center and the dji power unit on the bottom
Close-up of ESC, TBS Bulletproof with SimonK firmware
Bottom plate of the Discovery Pro with the NAZA light flight controller and all four ESCs soldered and wired up. The Naza should better be placed further to the front of the copter. Otherwise the GPS cable (not shown on the picture) will stick out too far into the battery compartment.
Close-up of Naza light, connected with a single wire to the receiver, controlling it through s.bus.
Fully assembled gimbal with dampers 180 degrees flipped around.
Fully assembled gimbal from the front.
Vibration dampers, red/orange as suggested by the build instructions.
F450 flamewheel arm with Tiger 900kv Motor
Fully assembled Discovery Pro
Zip-ties holding the cables and ESC underneath the arm.
NAZA-M Light flight controller wired up inside the frame.
Flight camera in front with the pushbuttons for gimbal calibration and on-screen display settings.
Backend of the Discovery Pro with the FrSky X8R receiver and the two PCB antennas.
GoPro and flight camera of the TBS Discovery Pro.
Correctly mounted gimbal with the GoPro and the colorful dampers in the back.